Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday photos

The Joker said it well: "Why so serious?" All this arguing and politicking and positioning and posturing between local politicos is all well and good, but there are real people behind it all and they should get a life. I mean, would Alvaro Uribe and Rafael Correa get on a bit better if they realized the other was also a fan of the 70s kids show "The Red Hand Gang"?

Would Chávez relax a little more if he changed his brand of ciggies?

Would Neshtor stamp on the close relations between Argentina and Venezuela if he knew what was really going on?

And would the intellectual left wing support the Bolivarian revolution if they knew what really went on in those meetings with Hugo?

And yes, I know I should stop messing around with the Paint software....gimme a break, huh? Being adult, responsible and mature are highly overrated activities.