I'm not going to list all the trades at the end of day the same way as in the previous post, but if you look for yourself you'll see how can'o'corn (the famous 33) beat down the DMM.to price at the bell this afternoon. When it comes to this kind of crap, there's no better price artist than the jokers at 33 (they're always crawling over this blog for ideas too..... probably cos they just can't bring themselves to hire someone who can speak Spanish).
As a regular reader (who prefer to remain anonymous I'm sure, as he's probably long half the DMM float in his private a/c) wrote to me after the bell;
"I'm getting nervous. I'm selling everything tomorrow at the open! Ha, ha, ha..."
Did you take him literally? If so, that bridge of mine is still for sale. Here's that everso everso retail friendly action in chart form.