Can you count?
Headsup dudes, cos the combo of news in this post will get you big businessy people itching to set up shop in Peru. Form an orderly queue please, rich people...no pushing at the back.
1) Today Reuters (EngLang) reports that even though Peru "grew" by 9.8% in 2008, a full 32% of its citizens didn't get enough to eat, that number up 2% from the 2007 figure. These are the official INEI stats office statistics, by the way, not some bunch of hangwringers with an NGO.
1) Today Reuters (EngLang) reports that even though Peru "grew" by 9.8% in 2008, a full 32% of its citizens didn't get enough to eat, that number up 2% from the 2007 figure. These are the official INEI stats office statistics, by the way, not some bunch of hangwringers with an NGO.
LIMA, March 24 (Reuters) - More Peruvians went hungry last year despite blazing economic growth, a sign that President Alan Garcia is stumbling in efforts to direct benefits of an impressive expansion to the poor.
The percentage of people in Peru with inadequate nutrition rose by more than 11 percent in 2008, faster than the economy's 9.8 percent surge, according to the national statistics agency.
Now, 32 percent of Peruvians do not get enough to eat yada yada continues here
The percentage of people in Peru with inadequate nutrition rose by more than 11 percent in 2008, faster than the economy's 9.8 percent surge, according to the national statistics agency.
Now, 32 percent of Peruvians do not get enough to eat yada yada continues here
C'mon rich foreign people, how tempting do you want a country to be for investment? Make Peru your choice and not only do you get all that growth, but the gov't makes sure that it all gets funnelled back to you. No need to worry about the peasants revolting or anything, as those small, brown people that live in the hills won't do anything to burden you or the state.......such as eat, for example.
2) BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! If you invest now, you even get a guarantee from Latin America's least popular President that the present trickledown policies that you all love will continue after his term is done. President Twobreakfasts told a whole bunch of bankers (!) at a posh lunch (!) today that.......
2) BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! If you invest now, you even get a guarantee from Latin America's least popular President that the present trickledown policies that you all love will continue after his term is done. President Twobreakfasts told a whole bunch of bankers (!) at a posh lunch (!) today that.......
"..In Peru, the President has power. He cannot make whoever he wants (the next) President, but he can avoid making President somebody he doesn't want. In this way I can guarantee you that all who want to bring money to this country, that money is guaranteed by the political stability that Peru will have in the next 10 years. This is my long-term contribution for the post-crisis that will come."
I'm not making this up, he actually said that today. But hey...apart from it being illegal, immoral, arrogant in the extreme and total demagoguery, I can't see anything wrong with keeping the present system of rich richer and hungry hungrier, can you? Manna from heaven, for all you rabi..SORRY, caring capitalists. Who really care. Yes you do. We know you do. You care. Because you told us you do. And you'd never lie to us.
3) Meanwhile, in 'that other Peru' that doesn't get to sit down for lunch with Twobreakfasts every day, here's a random report plucked from about two dozen possible examples and put through the Ottotrans™.
3) Meanwhile, in 'that other Peru' that doesn't get to sit down for lunch with Twobreakfasts every day, here's a random report plucked from about two dozen possible examples and put through the Ottotrans™.
A part of the population of the capital city of the province of Sandia drinks non-potable water that contains parasites, bacteria and virus says the director of the local hospital, Gustavo Calderón Vargas.
To prevent the population of the Puno jungle region from becoming ill, the support hospital of Sandia, in coordination with the provincial municipality, performs monthly water purifications. However it is insufficient due to the lack of purification stock available yada yada continues here
To prevent the population of the Puno jungle region from becoming ill, the support hospital of Sandia, in coordination with the provincial municipality, performs monthly water purifications. However it is insufficient due to the lack of purification stock available yada yada continues here
Viva investment grade. Viva, viva, viva.
For more details about those nutrition numbers and how they show the true poverty level of a country, go here as someone who really knows about these things explains in detail, in English and without the IKN snark. An exellent report and a learning experience.