Friday, June 19, 2009

The South America Swine Flu Sweepstakes Update 19 June

Hot off the presses here are the latest regional numbers for swine flu, or potato flu or AH1N1 if you really insist.

Click to enlarge

Chile stretching that lead again and into the 4,000s now. Argentina may be second on the infecteds list but has the most amount of regional deaths, at six.

Peru is at 185 and when this all started the country's health minister assured his people that nobody would die of swine flu on his watch. Well I dunno about the condition of each patient, but statistics are starting to play against him methinks.

O pais mais grande do mundo has moved up from 5th to 4th all of a sudden, beating Euador into the three-figure column. Further down the field, Paraguay has just doubled its number of infected tonight.

UPDATE: The latest out of Argentina tonight is 1,010 official positive cases and another death. That makes seven total in Argentina. Health Minister Ocaña tonight talked of her "deep worry" about the unfolding situation. Moral: don't supersize me.