Monday, August 10, 2009

Neil Innes versus the goldbugs

They're still sending unsolicited crap to my mailbox, you know. Normally it just gets deleted unseen, but as it's August and quiet and all that I've been reading a few this morning and having myself a jolly good titter. The latest from the arch-dumbass pied piper Jim Willie was a good one, as it has this chart:

Longer-standing readers might remember this IKN post back in September on the idiotic Jim Willie that had him on about exactly the the same dollar demise, exactly the same "gold to da moon Alice" and exactly the same hilarity-by-chart (which I've just noticed predicted the imminent arrival of "mammoth inflation"....on September 12! ROFL!)

So now that the dollar has broken back up'n'thru the dumbass's latest set of squiggly, wiggly lines less than a week after yet again calling for the-end-of-the-world-we're-all-doomed-doomed-ah-tells-ya, I think it best to hand over to Neil Innes and his Protest Song:

All the prophets of doom can always find room
In a world full of worry and fear
Tip cigarettes and chemistry sets
And rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
So I'm goin back to my little old shack
And drink me a bottle of wine
That was mis en bouteille before my birthday
And have me a f****** good time

(*this youtube version uses "fantastic time")