All sorts of carnage to choose from out there today, but let's not worry too much about the bad and get überselective. Only good things that put silly smiles on happy Otto's face get reported here today.
Troy Resources (TRY.to) up 4.4% at $1.68n with bits of volumes, too. You go girl, a nice wodge of green on a very red Ottoscreen.
ECU Silver (ECU.to) down 7.7% at $0.48...hahahahahahahaahahaaaaaaa, the market lovin' that quarterly as much as your humble servant. Woof Woof..Down Boy..Down. A new 52 wk low beckoning, which is nothing short of jawdropping with silver at $14 an ounce.
Nadagold (NG) down 8.2% at U$3.46 and starting to move towards its true valuation.... about a buck fifty I suppose.
Cosan (CZZ) down 7.5% at U$7.25 despite talk brewing of a sugar shortage in the USA. CZZ was the one that Otto called "take profits at $8" last week...that worked.
Minefinders (MFN) down 4.9% at U$8.03. Seriously Thomas, that balance sucked. When are you gonna admit your dumbassery? Shilling for your dinner will get you in trouble over the long run, dude.
Petaquilla (PTQ.to) down 10.3% at $0.52 and LatAm's worst mining company (yeah, even worse than ECU.to) getting some real BOHICA treatment. Find out why later at IKN as your humble servant breaks news that hasn't reached the English speaking world about this arch-dog-of-all-dogs illegal scumbag miner from hell.