Here's the chart:

Things have been fairly calm with the VEF/USD permuta "parallel" rate recently, with the range staying on or around the M2 vs reserves theoretical rate (see previous posts for more on that). This post is no more than a quick update and was inspired by a Google search that landed on site this afternoon using these keywords:

Things have been fairly calm with the VEF/USD permuta "parallel" rate recently, with the range staying on or around the M2 vs reserves theoretical rate (see previous posts for more on that). This post is no more than a quick update and was inspired by a Google search that landed on site this afternoon using these keywords:
"Exchange my VEF currency in the US"
Some advice for my searchfriend:
1) Go to Miami
2) Know where your ankles are, because you'll need to be holding on to them very tightly if the transaction goes through at the rate you're offered in the USA.
Mojitos served. The end.