Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exeter Resources ( Count me in on the spin

I 100% agree with the fine-eyed Toby Shute over at TMF and his call on Exeter Resources ( as regards the spin out of the Cerro Moro gold asset in Argentina (apart from a small quibble over numbers, as the 646k oz Au is bound to go up while the 16g/t grade is bound to go down and Shute makes no mention that the current inferred resource is still in early days......check the maps, Toby).

Anyway, here's the link to Toby Shute's article on Exeter published today; it does the heavy lifting for me and I like his call, here so go read over at his house. A good, succinct report.

And by the way, If you're wondering where you heard the spin out story first, it was here at IKN on November 18th, 2009. Pip pip!