Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Guess who's coming to dinner

This morning brings an eminent visitor to our humble corner of cyberspace:

ReferrerNo referring link
Host Namecog-158.osc.gov.on.ca
IP Address38.112.100.158 [Label IP Address]
ISPOntario Securities Commission
Returning Visits2
Visit Length 21 hours 41 mins 50 secs

And if you're wondering which post interested the OSC to come visit, it's this one on Nautilus (NUS) (NUS.to) and Porter Scamsberry yesterday. Even more joyously, our friends at the OSC who have managed to convict just one serious fraudster in the last ten years also hung around the blog (21 hours!!) and decided to check out IKN's coverage of ATW Gold (ATW.v). Better late than never, guys........