Dremco has left a new comment on your post "Doe Run Peru: The truth will out": I have visited La Oroya several times over the years, since 1984, in order to visit and work at the Metallurgical plants. In the early years, of Centromin ownership, there was never any apparent environmental work done in the entire area.
However, since Doe Run bought the company there has been a very extensive cleanup of the plants, and especially in the communities. La Oroya looks entirely different, and more attractive since the Doe Run purchase.
It is probably impossible for any company to do a good enough cleanup effort to satisfy the environmentalists, but from my perspective as a visitor to the area, Doe Run has done a remarkably good job.
Now when somebody sticks up for one of the worst polluting companies on the planet in such a sycophantic way (not joking either; the Blackstone Institute put Doe Run Peru in its top ten most polluted places on the planet), my BS meter tends do that "Geiger Counter meets U308 yellowcake" thing. So on checking the where reader Dremco was sitting when writing the comment*, it turns out to be Chandler AZ, a town just South of Phoenix. Our mystery reader arrived directly on the page by searching "Doe Run Peru" in Google and then stuck around for over 30 minutes checking out other Rennert-related articles (some of the following has been XXXd out to respect privacy):
Referrer | Run Peru |
Search Engine Phrase | Doe Run Peru |
Search Engine Name | |
Search Engine Host | |
IP Address | 67.XXX.XXX.XXX dremco |
Country | United States |
Region | Arizona |
City | Chandler |
ISP | Sun Lakes Cable |
Returning Visits | 0 |
Visit Length | 31 mins 22 secs |
Browser | IE 7.0 |
Operating System | WinXP |
Resolution | Unknown |
Javascript | Enabled |
Navigation Path
Date | Time | Type | WebPage |
29th April 2009 | 17:32:08 | Page View | Run Peru |
29th April 2009 | 17:36:39 | Exit Link | |
29th April 2009 | 17:44:42 | Page View | |
29th April 2009 | 17:58:00 | Page View | |
29th April 2009 | 18:03:21 | Page View | |
29th April 2009 | 18:03:26 | Page View | |
29th April 2009 | 18:03:30 | Page View | Run Peru |
Bizarrely enough, if you leave Chandler and travel South 30 miles or so on I-10 you arrive at the town of Casa Grande, home of a very large lead (Pb) products plant owned by.....yes you guessed it folks...The Doe Run Company.
So let's see now: Is it just a wild coincidence that somebody sitting 30 miles from one of the few Doe Run operations in the world suddenly decides to type "Doe Run Peru" into Google and leave glowing and demonstrably false comments about just how wonderful, clean and caring Doe Run is at La Oroya, Peru? Or maybe there's a connection somewhere. Waddya think?
Therefore commenter Dremco, you win this week's coveted award. Public relations dumbassery taken to a new level. All yours, dude:
So let's see now: Is it just a wild coincidence that somebody sitting 30 miles from one of the few Doe Run operations in the world suddenly decides to type "Doe Run Peru" into Google and leave glowing and demonstrably false comments about just how wonderful, clean and caring Doe Run is at La Oroya, Peru? Or maybe there's a connection somewhere. Waddya think?
Therefore commenter Dremco, you win this week's coveted award. Public relations dumbassery taken to a new level. All yours, dude:

*and don't worry, I rarely do it and unless you're at a company registered IP there's very little I can find out.