Making a career in Plastic Technology or Plastic Engineering is perhaps a right option as the Indian plastic industry is offering enormous opportunities for growth. The programs are offered at various levels - diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate. Aspiring individual can start his/her career right after his schooling.
Courses & Eligibility
Aspirants of Plastic Technology can join B.Tech program in plastics/polymer technology, or can take up an M.Tech in plastic technology after M.Sc in chemistry or physics. You could also do a B.Tech in chemical engineering, rubber technology or mechanical engineering. In either case you would need to have completed 10+2 with science for entering this field.
The B.Tech course in plastic technology is of four years duration, while the M Tech / ME program is of one and a half to two years or in some cases of two years duration.
There are also a number of long and short-term diploma courses in plastic technology at the post-graduate level.
Those entering the management and marketing areas in the plastics industry would need a management degree after a B.Sc in chemical / plastics / rubber engineering.
For research work, a masters or PhD would be essential.
Scope for Education
Among the prominent institutes offering courses in plastic technology and polymer sciences are the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, Cochin University, Department of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay, the Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune, LD College of Engineering Ahmedabad, University College of Science and Technology (Calcutta University) and the Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad.
M.Tech and Post-graduate diploma courses are offered by the Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology (CIPET), at Chennai under the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India. The institute with extension centres at Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Imphal, Lucknow, Mysore, Patna, Haldia and Guwahati conducts six long-term courses leading to Diploma, Post Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma in various disciplines of Plastics Engineering & Technology.
Govt. polytechnics, diploma engineering schools and ITI/ATI/CTI in all States offer courses viz. Diploma in plastic Engineering and Plastic Processing Operator courses which are of 3 years and 2 Yrs of duration respectively.
Job Prospects
Plastic technologists and professionals are in great demand in today’s ever growing plastic industrial sector. Both public and private sectors offer tremendous job opportunities to plastic technologists and professionals.
The public sector organizations including Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Oil India Limited, polymer corporations of different states, petro-chemical research laboratories, and the Ministry of Petroleum and Chemicals offer several jobs to plastic professionals in their various positions. Others regularly recruit chemical engineers and plastic technologists.
Moreover, there are large petrochemical engineering plants and various private companies dealing with the production and marketing of plastics commodities which offer attractive employment opportunities. Over the last decade, plastics technology and polymer sciences have attracted multi-crore investments from some of the biggest industrial houses in India. Companies like Reliance, Spic, Nocil, Finolex and others have set up plants to produce raw materials as well as research laboratories to develop new products.
Today, the plastic industry is playing a significant role in the growth and development of key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, through plasticulture, packaging for processed foods, telecommunications and information technology sector .
There are enormous opportunities for plastic engineering fresh pass outs and skilled professionals in the manufacturing and Design related industries. In India there are many global manufacturing and Designing centres which give perfect recognition to the rightly trained plastic professionals.
The average salary starts from minimum of Rs.5000. The salary increases with experience of the candidate. With in the span of 2 to 3 years professionals get salaries between Rs.15000 to Rs.25000.
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology (CIPET)
CIPET Corporate Office
T.V.K. Industrial Estate
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Email : cipethq@vsnl.com
Tel No. Direct: +91-44-22253040
Tel No. Office : +91-44-22254780/83/84/85
Fax : +91-44-22254787
Courses Offered at its various branches: M.Tech (PE), Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma level courses at select centre across the country
Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University,
Department of Rubber and Plastic Technology
Chromepet, Chennai,Tamil Nadu,
Pin code : 6000 44, India
Telephone : +91 44 22230850 / 222373777 / 22237276 Extn.: 207/238
Fax : +91 44 22232403
E-mail : rptmit@annauniv.edu
Website : http://collinfo.annauniv.edu:6060/mit/
Course Offered : B.Tech Rubber and Plastic Technology Engineering
Nirma Institute of Technology
Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway,
Post : Chandlodia, Via : Gota,
Ahmedabad - 382 481
Gujarat, India
Courses Offered : Diploma in Plastic Engineering
University College of Science & Tech, Calcutta University
92, Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700 009
Phone : 2350 1397 / 6396 / 6387/ 8386
Website : www.pstunical.org
Course Offered : B.Tech/M.Tech Polymer Science and Technology
LD College of Engineering, Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad 380 015 India
Phone : (91) (79) 26302887, 26303190
Website : http://www.ldceahd.org/
Course Offered : B.E. Plastic Technology
SSE College of Engg & Tech.
Babhulgaon (Jh), N.H. No. 6, Nagpur Road,
District – Akola, Maharadhtra
Phone - Fax : 0724 – 2259024
Website : www.coeta.org
Course Offered : B.E. Polymer
Indian Plastic Institute (IPI)
30, Sarvodaya Industrial Estate, 1st Floor
Near Paper Box Factory, Off Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400093, INDIA
Phone : 91-22-56950347 / 56962601 / 28313870
Fax : 91-22-56950348
E-mail : ipi@vsnl.com
Website : http://www.inplasin.org/
Course Offered : Diploma of Indian Plastic Institute, other short term courses, courses through distance mode.
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute
Nawabganj, Kanpur (U.P.) – 208 002
Phone : +91-512-2534001-05
Fax : +91-512-2533812
Pin : 200 009
Course Offered : B.Tech. (Plastic Tech.), M. Tech (Plastic Tech.)
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
Course Offered : M. Tech Polymer Science and Technology
North Maharashtra University
P.O. Box. 80, Umavi Nagar,
Phone : +91-257-2258428 to 2258438
Fax : +91-257-2258403, 2258406
Email : info@nmu.ac.in
Course Offered : B.Tech. (Plastic Tech)
Central Polytechnic, Chennai
Tharamani, Chennai 600113
Phone : (44) 22541786
Course Offered : PD Tool Design (PT) 2 Yrs
Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic
Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056
Tel: 26142250, 26140022
Fax : 26110117
Email : - sbmp@sbmp.org
Course Offered : Diploma in Plastic Engineering
Central Institute of Tool Design (CITD)
Course Offered : ME- Tool Design 2 Yrs, PD Tool Design 1 Yr