I have to say that I'm pleased about the contents of the following five day chart and really don't care if it's a coincidence or connected that the big traded volumes in Capella Resources (KPS.v) suddenly stopped as soon as
this post appeared on IKN Monday morning (and followed by this post later).

That's a 22% drop since publication
($1.10 to $0.86) but more importantly the thieves in suits selling at these higher prices to their unsuspecting marks have been stopped from unloading for big profits as the volume has dried to a trickle. Meanwhile, not a word from the OSC,
"the houses" or the Canadian financial dailies about this most obvious of criminal frauds. Until you guys up there do something meaningful your sordid markets will suffer from the reflected reputation of scum like KPS.v.
Related PostsCapella Resources (KPSv): A fraudulent scam for the agesMore on Capella Resources (KPS.v) and the scum behind the scam