So have a peruse, pick the title (or titles...request them all if you want) that takes your fancy and get your brain chock full of useful info. Enjoy!
Request Your Complimentary Book Summary NOW!
"Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change"
Know in 10 minutes what it takes others hours, and keep up with the latest trends in your industry.
In this summary you will learn:
- Seven approaches that effective people take to attain fulfillment
- How to build your character and shape your life more deliberately
This book was a publishing phenomenon in the early 1990s, and it deserved to be. Stephen R. Covey managed to repackage an ethical and moral tradition thousands of years in development and make it meaningful to a late twentieth century, secular audience. Most of what you find in this book you will find in Aristotle, Cicero, Benedict, Tillotson and their heirs. Covey adds a few references to psychology, a twentieth century science, and many to Viktor Frankl, a sage of the Holocaust. Covey wraps the mix in a distinctively American can-do program of easy-looking steps calling, mostly, for self-discipline. The result is a quite worthwhile, useful manual for self-improvement. getAbstract.com believes most readers can learn something useful from this book, though some will find the style too familiar and easy-going, and the prescriptions easier to agree with than to act upon, much less adopt as habits.
Other Resources from: getAbstract
Receive Your Complimentary Best Practices NOW!
"10 Really Good Reasons To Use Predictive Analytics"
Here are 10 really good reasons predictive analytics can help your business.
- Gain a more complete view of your business
- Find hidden value in your data
- Build stronger customer relationships
- Reduce your exposure to risk and fraud
- And much, much more...
Other Resources from: SPSS, Inc
Request your free Survey Report:
"Avoiding the Compliance Trap for Travel and Expenses"
Discover how on-demand T&E solutions are helping companies quickly meet requirements to enforce policies and controls and are also providing capabilities to meet evolving compliance requirements.
Get the answers to the following questions posed by travel and expense management services provider Concur to Kathleen Wilhide, research director for IDC's Compliance and Business Performance Management (BPM) Solutions research, on behalf of Concur's customers.
- What are the compliance issues surrounding employee travel and expense management?
- Which industries are particularly at risk for noncompliance, and why?
- What can companies do to improve internal controls and compliance?
- How is the value proposition for automating T&E evolving?
- What should companies look for in an on-demand provider of travel booking and expense reporting solutions?
This survey report was written by IDC.
Offered Free by: Concur Technologies
Other Resources from: Concur Technologies
Request Your Free White Paper:
"A Buyer's Guide for On-Demand Financials"
Learn the key criteria for choosing an on-demand financial management and accounting solution, from the experts at THINKstrategies.
Offered Free by: Intacct Corporation
Other Resources from: Intacct Corporation
Request Your Complimentary Magazine Subscription NOW!
Each issue of CFO provides 450,000 senior financial executives with the sophisticated analysis and innovative ideas they need to add value to their organizations.
Frequency: Monthly
Geographic Eligibility: USA
Offered Free by: CFO Publishing Corp.
Other Resources from: CFO Publishing Corp.