Surrounded by a world of recession, crisis and bad news, Latin America is now forecast to suffer a regionwide GDP drop of -1.7% by the region's most reputable independent economist group CEPAL (the people of choice for the United Nations, no less).
However amidst all this doom and gloom there is one country with a Central Bank and Finance Ministry that confidently predicts a GDP growth of at least 4% in 2009 and according to figures collated so far is well on track to meet and beat that number.
However amidst all this doom and gloom there is one country with a Central Bank and Finance Ministry that confidently predicts a GDP growth of at least 4% in 2009 and according to figures collated so far is well on track to meet and beat that number.
Which country is it?
Answers by mail or in the comments section below. I'll be adding the right answer in an update to this post later today.
Answertime! The correct answer is Bolivia. Oh isn't it going to be fun come the end of the year when the wider world realizes that the axis of evo has outgrown all the imperialist lapdogs....I can imagine the total lack of coverage now. First correct answer was Utpal, normally a dumbass but today a smartass....well played, sir.
Answertime! The correct answer is Bolivia. Oh isn't it going to be fun come the end of the year when the wider world realizes that the axis of evo has outgrown all the imperialist lapdogs....I can imagine the total lack of coverage now. First correct answer was Utpal, normally a dumbass but today a smartass....well played, sir.