Thursday, June 11, 2009

Trading Post (day before my brother's birthday edition)

Guyana Goldfields ( down 4.5% at $3.82....this is why we take profits, people. Lock in gains, provide insurance, play it safe....aka be chickenliver whussy.

Minera Andes down 2.2% at $0.89 and was down further earlier. I don't think there's anything sinister going on here..more like some dude taking profits. Great long-term value stock.

Fortuna Silver (FVI.v) up 6.1% at $1.04, and we're just going for a cheap hoorah pompom waving "go team!" comment. Target is higher than here, so Zen-like patience still needed.

Rusoro (RML.v) UNCH at $0.44. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....methinks i knows what's going on here. No rush to judgment but there'll be a comment or two in The IKN Weekly on Sunday.

Petrofalcon ( up 13.5% at $0.42 and reacting well to the noises being made by PDVSA about paying subcontractors. I used to like this play a lot. Still on the radar and the team is good enough...just that Vennie thing, ya knowz?