Here's a story worth following in the next few days. On June 30th, eight people in El Salvador were arrested in connection with the widely documented murders suffered by the local anti-mining lobby opposed to the Pacific Rim (PMU) (PMU.to) gold project. As the 'Voices From El Salvador' blog puts it:
"In discussing the issue, the police stated that this is a very complex and complicated issue. In our investigations into the violence we have found the same. The relationships between the victims, the perpetrators, Pacific Rim, the local mayors and diputados, and organized crime are very complex and require a very thorough investigation. We hope that these arrests are the beginning, and that the Salvadoran and international community continue their work to ensure justice in each case". Continues here
It will be more than interesting to find out whether or not the eight arrested this week have any direct connection with Pacific Rim and whether their statements implicate (or not) the company in the assassinations. Watch this space.
h/t tim
h/t tim