Thursday, January 6, 2011

That Porter Stansberry is a fraudulent bullshit merchant of the highest order....

...has long been understood by those with half a brain, but it's been a great couple of days to see his get-rich-quick scheming (simply meaning that he gets rich on the cash of the naive) taken apart systematically over at Green Laser Reviews. Today saw part two of a three part series (we're promised part three tomorrow Jan 7th) and the methodical way in which the fraud runner Stansberry has been 'lazed' so far is an object lesson in what the bullshit copywriter and stock shyster does in order to part fools from their money. These next two links are highly recommended reading for anyone who wants to know more about how market shysters like Stansberry run their schemes.

So, dear kind and honourable IKN lector, kick back, pull up a chair, click through on those two links and get yourself much wiser about the games Porter et al want to play on you. Great reading material and I can't wait for Part Three, out tomorrow (and will link).

UPDATE: Part three of three now out and available right here.