Lydian Intl (LYD.to) up 9.4% at 70c. Not on my beaten path but you should really check out the interview given by the LYD.to honcho and Mickey Fulp on the radio yesterday. Find the link here (the Sep't 21st one). Without beating round the bush, if Fulp likes it you should be listening.
Pediment Gold (PEZ.to) down a penny at 92c. Subscribers to The IKN Weekly received a Flash update about this stock this morning (when it was trading 89c). We also went into some detail about recent developments and the backstory in IKN21. Galland, you're soooooooooo wrong about this one. I own and I added today.
Plexmar (PLE.v) down 4.4% at $0.11. Why isn't this company enjoying the sector rebound? That's easy; what you reap is what you sow, suckaz.
Troy Resources (TRY.to) up 4.3% at $2.43. DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL! As day follows night, this share price is going higher. LT hold, LT no-brain winner. Don't ask me about tomorrow's PPS, ask me about September 2010.
Trevali (4TI.f) down 7.3% at €0.445. ROFL! the BS pumpers in Germany tried to rally this PoS after yesterday's trading post, but again it sinks today. Crap like this and the people who promote it should be avoided like the plague. It never ceases to amaze me how people kinda object to being robbed in the street but find it perfectly acceptable to hand money to thieves populating bullboards who promise extra special inside information. Sie gehören ins Gefängnis.
Pediment Gold (PEZ.to) down a penny at 92c. Subscribers to The IKN Weekly received a Flash update about this stock this morning (when it was trading 89c). We also went into some detail about recent developments and the backstory in IKN21. Galland, you're soooooooooo wrong about this one. I own and I added today.
Plexmar (PLE.v) down 4.4% at $0.11. Why isn't this company enjoying the sector rebound? That's easy; what you reap is what you sow, suckaz.
Troy Resources (TRY.to) up 4.3% at $2.43. DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL! As day follows night, this share price is going higher. LT hold, LT no-brain winner. Don't ask me about tomorrow's PPS, ask me about September 2010.
Trevali (4TI.f) down 7.3% at €0.445. ROFL! the BS pumpers in Germany tried to rally this PoS after yesterday's trading post, but again it sinks today. Crap like this and the people who promote it should be avoided like the plague. It never ceases to amaze me how people kinda object to being robbed in the street but find it perfectly acceptable to hand money to thieves populating bullboards who promise extra special inside information. Sie gehören ins Gefängnis.