I knew they'd spin it, but the following Disassociated Press newswire report on Zeyala's return to Honduras is one of many lamentable efforts being vomited to the English-speaking world this morning. Just consider the title and first paragraph....
Zelaya's daring return reignites Honduras crisis.......as in the world of so-called journalist Freddy Cuevas of AP the Honduras crisis was all over and had been "reignited", Zelaya was "deposed" where in fact every single sovereign state in the world still recognizes him as the current President of Honduras and the people that ran the illegal coup were an "interim government" thus lending them respectability. Do I laugh or do I cry?
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras – The daring return of deposed President Manuel Zelayas creates a sharp challenge to interim leaders who overthrew him — and for the upcoming election they had hoped would resolve the crisis begun with their coup (continues here)
One day, I hope you have the chance to drink fresh milk on an estancia in the pampa region of Argentina. You'll then be able to compare it to the hormone-laden pasteurized, homogenized and plastic-package product you drink where you live.
One day, your eyes may be opened to the true taste of a banana by plucking a ripe one from a tree in Ecuador or Colombia or wherever. Until then you'll have to make do with the fruits picked green and still ripening in containers as they pass through the Panama canal.
Freddy Cuevas supplies yet another fake product to the world and its consumers again think they're getting a true taste of Latin America.