Saturday, April 17, 2010

potentially great news out of Peru

There have been plenty of Spanish language stories on this, but here's the BBC in English with the headline:

Peru Shining Path leader Guzman in hunger strike threat

The jailed leader of Peru's Shining Path rebel group and his girlfriend say they will go on hunger strike unless they are allowed to wed.

Abimael Guzman and Elena Yparraguirre are both serving life sentences.

Their lawyer said they had been asking for permission to marry for several years and were tired of waiting.

The Mao-inspired Shining Path unleashed a brutal civil conflict in the 1980s and 1990s in Peru, in which nearly 70,000 people were killed continues here

So let's hope that Guzman keeps his word, that the Peru authorities don't cave in and that this pondslime über alles dies a slow and nasty death in about three months time. His self-inflicted death would be a great day for humanity.