So Waddya know about the Amazonian Dolphin, sometimes known as the Pink Dolphin (for obvious reasons, see above)? Personally, I know they are:
- Freshwater living (found in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador Colombia and even one or two in the Amazon feedrivers of Bolivia)
- Beautiful and friendly (I've been lucky enough to see some up close)
- Grow to three metres long and are very intelligent (their brains are some 40% bigger than human brains by weight)
- Endangered (according to the IUCN (intl union for the conservation of nature))
I also know that there are 20 less examples of these dolphins this morning. That's because clandestine fishermen in Peru decided to poison them so they'd not make holes in their nets and try to eat their illegal catch while they poached the Bazagán lake in Loreto, Peru. The bodies of the 20 dolphins were found dead in the lake this morning.
Viva investment grade. Viva, viva, viva.