Friday, November 5, 2010

News Roundup (going all Lowell on you)

Many kind readers have sent in links to several articles about the supposed massive Titanium discovery in Paraguay announced last week. Under normal circumstances you'd have to take a report like that with a pinch (maybe cellar) of salt, but on this one we are automatically obliged to take it very seriously indeed. That's because David Lowell has put his name to it.

Want to know more about Lowell? This excellent Bloomie article is part biog, part tribute and every nice thing said about Lowell is totally deserved. Today's must-read for mineheads.

Meanwhile, Connie Mack is looking to move US-LatAm relations back to....oooooh, to the early 19th century, approximately. 2011 looks set to be a fun year for Americas Politikwatchers.

The Cuban aircrash yesterday took the lives of 40 Cubans, nine ten Argentines, seven Mexicans, three Dutch, two Germans, two Austrians, one Spanish, one French, one Italian, one Japanese, one Venezuelan. We put our petty everyday worries and neuroses into sharp context today when thinking of their loved ones.