Saturday, August 30, 2008

Good weekend reading from respected bruddasites*

Corporate profits down? Banks teetering on the edge? Not in China. South-South Cooperation gives you the lowdown, and shows how reports of Chinese economy problems have been greatly exaggerated.

I didn't cover this story here because I knew Lillie at Memory in Latin America would pick it up. Argentina hands out a welcome piece of long, long overdue justice to Dirty War participants.

I have to say I like Tyler Bridges' blog 'Inside South America' more and more, which is a first for a mainstream journalist corporate-style blog. Concise and snappy snapshots of the region. Here's the link to the main page, as the five most recent posts are all worth reading. A variety of subjects and countries.

Trend and Value Report goes USA political in his....errrr...own style. Good for a smile.

Mexico, abortion, Supreme Court rulings. The Mex Files gives you the lowdown on this week's polemic decision in one of the world's biggest Catholic states. A great summary of the situation, and you even get to play 'spot the typo' in the title ;-).

Do something that Simon Romero won't do. Get ahead of the curve and actually read Bolivia's proposed constitution that goes to referendum vote on December 7th. Abiding in Bolivia serves it up on a silver platter.

*and always respect, lillie