Darnit, I'm sure President Twobreakfasts assured us that inflation wasn't a problem in Peru and that it was all a media-run hoax.
Inflation is also a headache at that other "investment grade" country, Chile. The Central Bank head says there are more interest rate hikes on the way. With copper having found a bottom, it's good time to bet on the Chilean Peso, methinks.
The Brazil pump is back on! Citigroup today joins yesterday's UBS call to buy Brazil consumer stocks, and DeutscheBank pipe up on a "buy" rating for Petrobras. Birds of a feather.........
Evo in Bolivia wonders why the half moon states are kicking up such a fuss about getting "their fair share" (BS) of the hydrocarbon tax when they never spend it on their populations anyway? The Beni region has spent just 3% of its already collected tax harvest so far this year.