Textile Engineering uses the principles of engineering with specific knowledge of textile equipment and processes. The course curriculum also draws knowledge from other engineering disciplines including mechanical, electrical and industrial and chemical engineering.
Textile industry basically involves manufacturing of various types of fabrics both natural and synthetic as well as of production machinery and application of new technology. The industry has categorized in three major areas of work namely research and development, manufacturing and merchandising.
Courses & Eligibility
The textile industry in India is one of the largest industries in the world and is still expanding. It thus has an immense career potential for the young masses. Aspirants who want to make career in textile engineering or technology can pursue courses both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. One can even choose to carry out research work.
There are many engineering colleges/polytechnics/universities in India offering courses in textile engineering and technology. For doing B.Tech in Textile Engineering one should have completed +2 Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and/or Biology. Most engineering colleges in the country select candidates based on written entrance examinations.
After completing B.Tech/BE in textile engineering, one can either start a professional career or can continue his/her study by joining M.Tech and PhD programs offered by the elite Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi is a pioneer institute in the field offering B.Tech/M.Tech/Ph.D programs.
Career Prospects
Textile engineering graduates find excellent job opportunities in diverse industrial sectors. The Career paths include process engineering, research and development, production control, technical sales, quality control and corporate management through the production supervisory route.
Apart from joining textile farms and manufacturing units after B.E./B.Tech one can also join M.Tech course or can go for doctorate degrees. For doing research in India, one has to qualify the NET/JRF entrance examination conducted by UGC and CSIR jointly. Also there are good opportunities abroad for carrying out research work.
Fresh Graduates from reputed engineering colleges having BE/BTech degree can receive starting pay-packages ranging from Rs 12,000 to Rs 30,000 per month. The salary increases with experience and skills. A textile engineer with 2-3 years of industrial experience can earn more than Rs 50, 000 per month apart from other perks and benefits.
Saraswati Music College,
A-1/226, safdarjung enclave, New Delhi-110029
Ph: 26105611, 26167922
Fax: 26194545
Email: katharsys_saraswati@yahoo.com
Website: www.saraswatimusiccollege.org
Courses offered: Textile designing
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute Of Textile Management
(A National Level Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India)
COIMBATORE -641 004, Tamil Nadu
PHONE: 2571675, 2592205, 2570855
FAX: 0422 - 2571623
Website: www.svpitm.ac.in
SSM Institute of Textile Technology & Polytechnic College
Komarapalayam - 638 183,
Namakkal Dt,
Phone : 04288 - 260 197, 263 755, 262 197 & 98431 - 60197
Fax : 04288 - 264347
Email :slm_ssmtech@sancharnet.in
Website : www.ssmtech.org
Courses Offered : Diploma, PG Diploma and Certificate courses in Textile Technology
Institute of Textile Technology
P. O. - Choudwar, pin- 754025
Dist: Cuttack- (Orissa)
Telegram: TEXTECH
E-mail : principal_ittchoudwar@yahoo.com
Telephone/Fax : 0671 - 2492 217
Website : http://www.ittorissa.org/
Courses Offered : B.Tech. Degree in Textile Technology, B.Tech. Degree in Fashion Technology, Diploma in Textile Technology
Department of Textile Technology, IIT Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016
Phone : 91-11-2659 1401
Fax : 91-11-2658 1103
E-mail : hodtextile@textile.iitd.ac.in
Courses Offered : B.Tech./M.Tech/PhD
Guru Nanak Dev University
Courses Offered : B.Tech Textile Chemistry and P.G. Diploma in Textile Design
Sasmira - Synthetic and Art Silk Mill's Research Association
Sasmira Marg, Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai - 400025 (Maharashtra)
Website : http://www.sasmira.org/
Courses Offered: Textile Technology Course - Certificate Course in Weaving of Man-made Fibre Fabrics, Textile Diploma
Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences
Birla Colony, Bhiwani, Haryana - 127021
Phone No: +91-1664- 242561-64
Email Id : info@titsbhiwani.org
Website : http://www.titsbhiwani.org/
Courses Offered : B.Tech in Textile Technology, B.Tech in Textile Chemistry, M. Tech in Textile Technology
Faculty of Technology and Engineering, MS University of Baroda
Courses Offered : D.T.C. in Textile Chemistry, Post B.Sc B.E. in Textile Chemistry, Diploma in Textile Technology, Post B.Sc. D.T.C. in Textile Chemistry, Bachelor in Textile engineering, M.E. in Textile chemical processing, Master in Textile Engineering
L. D. College of Engineering
Ahmedabad 380 015, India
Phone : (91) (79) 26302887, 26303190
Website : http://www.ldceahd.org/
Courses Offered : B.Tech in Textile Technology
Sri.Krishnarajendra Silver Jubilee Technological Institute
Bangalore -560001. Karnataka India
Email ID : principal@gsksjti.org
Course Offered : B.Tech (Textile Technology), B.Tech (Silk Technology), B.Tech (Textile Technology), Lateral Entry, Evening College, M.Tech (Textile Technology)
HKE Society's Engineering College
Yermaruus Camp, Raichur 584135 (Karnataka)
Course Offered : B.E in Textiles
RTE Society Rural Engineering College
Kulkoti 582205 (Karnataka)
Course Offered : B.E. in Textiles
Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology
Davangere-577004, Karnataka, India
Phone : 91-08192-222245(O), 220145(R), 98862 95838
Fax : 91-08192-223261
E-Mail : principal@bietdvg.edu, achyutha_bt@yahoo.com
Course Offered : Bachelor in Textile Technology
University of Bombay, Department of Chemical Technology
Moling Road, Mumbai 400019
Course Offered : M.Sc. Tech., B.Sc Technology
College of Engineering & Technology
Near Shivaji Park, Akola 444001
Course Offered : B.E. in Textiles
College of Engineering & Technology
Vishupuri, Nanded
Course Offered : Bachelor of Textiles
Alagappa College of Technology
Guindy, Chennai 600025
Course Offered : B. Textile Technology, M.Tech. in Textile
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore 641004
Course Offered : B. Textile Technology, M.Tech. in Textile
Government Central Textile Institute
Kanpur 226020 (U.P)
Course Offered : B. Textile Technology, M.Tech. in Textile
College of Textile Technology
Serampore, Distt. Hooghly 712201(W.B)
Course Offered : Textile Technology
College of Textile Technology
Behrampur, Murshidaba (W.B)
Course Offered : B. Textile Technology