In Venezuela, the government estimates that one in every three women suffers violence against their person. This report mentions that stat as part of the wider story of the latest initiative to widen women's access to help centres and support groups against this violence.
As a topical example of this violence and the way women are now less afraid to report their beatings, here's a report from Venezuela's Correo del Caroní about a woman named Andrea Franco, a graduate mining technician who suffered severe bruising from a beating she got from a man that also threatened her with a firearm. The agressor's name is Claudio Turchetti, who apart from being a sicko with a history of violence is, strangely enough, the chief of security for Crystallex (KRY) at its KM88 'Las Cristinas' property.
Yep, those KRY people really care about community relations.....
As a topical example of this violence and the way women are now less afraid to report their beatings, here's a report from Venezuela's Correo del Caroní about a woman named Andrea Franco, a graduate mining technician who suffered severe bruising from a beating she got from a man that also threatened her with a firearm. The agressor's name is Claudio Turchetti, who apart from being a sicko with a history of violence is, strangely enough, the chief of security for Crystallex (KRY) at its KM88 'Las Cristinas' property.
Yep, those KRY people really care about community relations.....