Sunday, May 2, 2010


Tonight I received the following mail (extracted) from subscriber 'SA':
"...I'm trying to expand my gold holdings to other areas of the world. Could you recommend other gold analysts' newsletters you trust and value for their selections. Thanks for any help you can give!

XXXXX (name witheld)

To which I sent the following reply. Then it occurred to me that more people than SA might be able to take advantage of the calls, so here they are for everyone.


I trust and recommend three:

1) Mickey Fulp. His newsletter is free. Sign up here. He gets paid by the companies he covers but he's very selective about the companies he takes on. It's a no-brainer to read's free!!

2) Gary Tanashian of Biiwii dot com. Find out more here. A technical analyst who follows precious metals closely. The only tech analyst I ever bother with. Excellent, honest, insightful and amazing value for money at $26/month.

3) Brent Cook at Exploration Insights. Go to his site on this link. The best geology based gold stocks subscription newsletter by a mile. The top industry pros all read Brent Cook. It's not cheap but it's worth every penny. I learn more from Brent than anyone else.

Hope this helps. By the way, i'm not on any sort of commission from any of the three above. I reco them because i read and trust them.