Monday, August 23, 2010

Trading Post (Fuddish edition)

Radius Gold (RDU.v) up 19.5% at $0.49 on strong volumes just a day after I said that the new company presentation looks good but I wasn't really interested in buying back into this stock right now. Today's NR surely helping things along, too. Just goes to show that WTFDIK is still in fashion round here.

Petaquilla ( down 6.1% at $0.46. The latest from the Molejon trainwreck is that the emergency tailings pond that should have been completed back in January and was supposed on be rushed to completion by yesterday will now be finished "this week". Meanwhile it's still lagging down with rain on site.

Antares Minerals (ANM.v) up 1.1% at $3.64 and trading on rails. Good volumes, too. We hear that the PEA gets published on SEDAR in the next two weeks, neatly inside the 45 day time limit.

Nadagold (NG) down 2.8% at U$6.60. This stock is living proof that New Yorkers know nothing about gold.

Jaguar Mining (JAG) down 2.8% at U$5.88. It was nice to see how insiders have been piling into this stock for the last two weeks or so, trying to prop up the price and instill confidence. It's been even nicer to see how they've had their asses grilled to perfection and served up to them on a silver platter since then. Fundies will out in the end and this company's performance just keeps on sucking.

Focus Ventures (FCV.v) up a penny at 40c on low volumes. vewwy vewwy qwiet.... am huntin' wabbit.