Monday, October 25, 2010

Carl is not Karl

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Juliet, Romeo and Juliet, Act 2 Scene 2, ll1-2

Today, this humble corner of cyberspace received the following comment under this post dated June 25th 2009. In the interests of full disclosure and to assist Carl (with a 'C') Kottmeier in keeping his name correctly clean, we reprint his words today:
Carl Kottmeier said... 
In case anyone reading this blog thinks that this article is referring to me, Carl Kottmeier, who went to UBC (Mining Engineering 1989 + MBA 2003), it does not!!!! I am related to the person mentioned in the article (we are cousins) and I unfortunately bear the burden of having a very similar name. I am employed in the Canadian Mining industry and hope that the alleged actions of my cousin do not get mistakenly attributed to me.
In this way, IKN makes clear that Carl (with a 'C') Kottmeier is not the same person as Karl (with a 'K') Kottmeier, a man with a track record of dubious behaviour (as our posts on the dude explained at the time).