Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On rats and sinking ships (part two)

Rumours are that Bill Murphy of GATA, despite trying his hardest over the years to pump ECU Silver (ECU.to) to his flock (efforts that include another pump attack last week), is totally fed up with holding millions of shares of this dog and is ready to throw in the towel and sell. We find this perturbing and wonder whether the GATA chief is trying to pump up the stock to his flock at the moment for the sole intention of selling into an upmove before the end of 2010 comes around.

We at IKN know full well that we are not flavour of the month at GATA. However those with more friendly contact with Bill or even perhaps his pal Holt may be wise in writing and asking whether Murphy is looking to sell any of his multimillion share holding. After all, we're totally sure he wouldn't want to be labelled as a scumball delinquent frontrunner and would reply to people with the whole truth.