Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Peru has the best sports doping scandal ever

The above video (Spanish language) shows the report run on Peruvian TV yesterday about the best soccer doping scandal possible. During a break in a big match to decide which of the teams could go forward and get the chance to play for a spot in the country's first division (top national league) over the weekend, players and coaching staff of the home team 'Sport Ancash' shared squeeze bottles of drinks with their away rivals, 'Acosvinchos'. A little while later, not one but four players playing for Acosvinchos fainted and couldn't continue playing and eventually Sport Ancash went on to win the match 3-0.

Tests later performed on the liquids in the bottles given to the Acosvinchos players found that the drinks given to the opposition players by the Sport Ancash team contained the barbiturate Benzodiazepine. Here's an extract from this report that quotes one of the drugged players:

"From what I can remember, because I still have blanks in my memory about what happened, there was a moment when the goalkeeper in the rival team was being treated for an injury. At that point a person from the Sport Ancash training staff came on and, as is customary in any match, we shared their drinks", said player Andy Salinas.

"I asked to share a bit of their drink because I was thirsty and they offered me a squeeze bottle. The trainer had a six-pack and offered me one of them. The drink had a bitter, unnatural taste", added the player.

Salinas said that a little while after drinking the liquid he had difficulty seeing, he fainted and woke up in hospital. 

Another player, Luis Coello, said that after drinking the liquid offered he felt "heavy" and "tired".