A ceramic technologist is concerned with study, research and development of the ceramic materials, planning and developing processing systems, designing and construction of plants and machinery along with other engineers, planning and implementation of processing methodologies, designs and development of various applications like glass, porcelain, cement, refractors, insulators, composite materials, enamels, cement etc.
An individual who aspires to make a career in Ceramic Technology is sure to find himself loaded with a wide range of job opportunities. It could be as an entrepreneur or as an employee in a large-scale ceramic ware manufacturing unit, or even in a steel refractory or as a researcher in a lab.
Courses & Eligibility
Those who aspire to pursue bachelors program in Ceramic Technology should be 10 +2 Science with Physics, Chemistry and Maths with a high percentage of marks. Various engineering colleges offer BE, B Tech in ceramics of four years duration. The admissions are through a written test as for other branches of engineering.
Those who are interested in further education may go in for M Tech which is of one-and-a-half year duration. Research in the field can lead to a PhD degree.
Job Prospects
The opportunities for someone fresh out of college are vast both in private and public sector. In private sector, individual with a degree in Ceramic Technology can be absorbed in various ceramic ware manufacturing units located at various parts of the country. Generally, two types of workers are engaged in this industry – ceramic technologists and ceramic designers. The ceramic designers use sand and clay for basic ceramic materials while the technologists use the materials produced by complex chemical processes. One can also start his/her own business and become an entrepreneur.
One can also get jobs in Indian Space Research Organization, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and Institute for Plasma Research, among others, where there is great need for trained experts in ceramics.
Salary varies with education and experience of the ceramic engineer, the location, and the type of job. A student who has just graduated can earn anywhere between Rs 25,000 and Rs 40,000 per month.
Here is a list of major institutes that are offering courses in Ceramic Technology :
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute
196 Raja S C Mullick Road, Kolkata-700032 (India)
Phone : 091-33-2473-3496/69/76/77 2483-8079/82
Fax : 2473-0957 2483 7340/41-43 2483-9245/46/47
Email : liaison@cgcri.res.in
Website : www.cgcri.res.in
College Of Ceramic Technology
Government of West Bengal
73, Abinash Chandra Banerjee Lane,
Kolkata-700010, West Bengal, India
Phone : 23701264,
Fax : 23701264
E-mail : gcect@rediffmail.com
Website : http://www.gcect.ac.in/
Courses Offered : BE/B.Tech in Ceramic Technology
Indian Institute of Ceramics
Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Kolkata - 700 032, India
Phone : 033-2413-8879
E-mail : info@iiceram.org, iiceram@vsnl.net
Website : http://www.iiceram.org
Courses Offered : Correspondence course in Ceramic equivalent to B.Sc. (Tech)
University College of Science & Technology
Calcutta university, 92, A.P.C. Road,
Kolkata – 700 009
Courses Offered : B.Tech/MTech in Ceramic Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Courses Offered : B.Tech. M.Tech. and Ph.D. Programs in the areas of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Courses Offered : B.Tech/MTech in Ceramic Technology
PDA College of Engineering
Aiwan-E-Shahi Area,
Gulbarga- 585102, India
Phone : 08472 - 220172
Fax : 255685
Courses Offered : B.E.in Cement & Ceramic Technology
Anna University
Courses Offered : B.Tech Cement and Ceramics Tech
Allagappa College of Technology
Guindy, Chennai - 600025 20
Courses Offered : B.Tech. - Ceramics