Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MAG Silver: The inside selling goes on

Megaw photographed while not selling things (for a change)

Hey wow! Not content with dumping 46k of his stock on the market between May 12th and May 21st, since we last updated on MAG Silver (MAG.to) (MVG) and the high level of insider-selling activity on May 22nd one of the chief offenders, Peter K. Megaw, director of MAG.to and described in his biog as " a well-known individual in the Mexican mining industry" (I shite thee not, kind reader) has found time to dump another 23,000 shares on to the market at U$5.50 or so.

Why is MAG Silver so keen on telling the world that their stock is undervalued and at the same time the people running the company just keep on selling their stock? Inquiring minds would like to know......