Friday, May 22, 2009

News from investment grade Peru, part 1573

Follow the bouncing ball, people:

1. A group of students go on a high ticket price end of school year vacation to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

2. On returning, 16 of them fall ill with swine flu

3. In the house of one of the student group that hasn't (as yet) fallen ill with AH1N1, the family maid comes down with flu symptoms.

4. She is immediately fired by the family and forced to leave the house, thus losing all medical health coverage she might have had.

5. With nowhere to go, she gets a bed for the night from a family member in a poor local neighbourhood.

6. She goes to the local health centre where she and the other 10 members of the family that was generous enough to offer her a bed have now been placed under strict quarantine.

Isn't Peru a wonderful, socially responsible place? That trickledown economics strategy really working wonders again amongst the caring sharing middle class. Que viva investment grade, because this is just the kind of attitude amongst da movers and shakers that the financial world applauds.