Here's a chart showing the latest figures for electricity demand in China the incorporates May numbers published by Bloomie today.
Also, a must-read on the subject is this post by Yves Smith at the evergood Naked Capitalism. Interesting comments section, too.
OT: Posting will be light today at this humble corner of cyberspace. Something will get added this evening for sure, but this may well be the last article of the trading day. Otto got family things to do chez Otto starting in about 20 minutes time (now gotta go grab that shower).
Yes, Virginia, I'm still bearish on copper.
OT: Posting will be light today at this humble corner of cyberspace. Something will get added this evening for sure, but this may well be the last article of the trading day. Otto got family things to do chez Otto starting in about 20 minutes time (now gotta go grab that shower).