The Correo de Caroní is today reporting that the Venezuelan government has taken over control of the Brisas (GRZ) and Las Cristinas (KRY) gold projects.
Here's the beginning of the text translated into English:
October 27: The camp of the multinational Canadian Gold Reserve, Brisas del Cuyuní, located in Las claritas, was taken over by functionaries of MIBAM and hand over to the state run Minerven who from now on will be in charge of the installations. Luis Herrera, president of Minerven, was present at the occupation at which the Correo del Caroní was exclusive media witness.
Here's how the original Spanish text begins:
El campamento de la trasnacional canadiense Gold Reserve, Brisas del Cuyuní, situado en Las Claritas, fue tomado por funcionarios del Ministerio del Poder Popular para las Industrias Básicas y Minería (Mibam) y entregado a la estatal Minerven que desde ahora se hará cargo de las instalaciones. Luis Herrera, presidente de Minerven, estuvo presente en la ocupación a la cual asistió en exclusiva Correo del Caroní.
For those who think it's a hoax, here's a scan of the relevant page of today's Correo Del Caroní.
UPDATE: 32 minutes after IKN reports it, GRZ admits it in this news release.