Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hey, Goldilocks! We're still waiting for that legal action from your Rare Metals Blog to begin

On Tuesday afternoon, Tracy "Goldilocks" Weslosky of Rare Metals Blog threatened IKN with legal action (she also wrote that she'd "report me", though to whom is unclear....Eric Schmidt perhaps?) unless your humble scribe removed this post that contained the full article written by Mickey Fulp she'd censored from her site that morning.

Well Goldilocks, it's still there and you haven't started that legal action yet as far as I'm aware. So is it going to happen, cos I'm so worried about it all that I can hardly sleep at night? Or are you just another loudmouthed blowhard bully enslaved to the corporate site sponsors who pay for your blog? Inquiring minds.......

Unscrupulous liars who say they don't censor others while at the same time doing the exact opposite need fingers pointed at them. Tracy, you're a liar and this is a finger pointing at you. So come on Goldilocks, get on with that legal action.