Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Casey Research fakes its track record, part two

We've already noted one of the slimeball techniques used by the unaccountable Casey Research to bullshit itself and fake its track record in this previous post, now here comes another example of their lies and deception. The following mail was recently received from reader "R", who wishes to remain anonymous being a subscriber of Casey Research's  'International Speculator' (IS) service.

In the following mail, R explains just how Casey's IS editor and liar in chief Louis James fakes his track record. At this point, it's best to make clear that I have edited R's original mail in order to strip it of any source of IS and brushed up the script a tad. I then passed the edited version of R's mail back and have received permission from R to post it as seen. In other words what you're about to read is 100% the message in R's mail.  Read on.

Hi Otto,

I don´t necessarily have a negative stance towards Casey, being an International Speculator (IS) subscriber for a year or so now. I'm a newbie everywhere in mining world and can´t judge. But here´s something that makes me angry. For a few weeks I lost track a bit of their recommends and so just recently I noticed a new IS recommendation for Pretium Resources, So I checked it out on the Casey site:

"First Recommended 2011-01-05  at $6.20"

So I went to the January 2011 edition of IS but found nothing. On further checking of my reports I found that it's only featured in the February 2011 IS. Here's what was written in the Feb 2011 edition:

"Bob has leapt back onto the stage, buying these gold assets from SSO and putting them into a new gold company: Pretium.
We spoke with Bob about this last month, after the January issue of IS was already out the door, and became convinced that Pretium is going to add a lot of value in the coming months and going forward. So we put out the word to our alert subscribers, who were able to take advantage of the recent fluctuation down to almost C$6.00. If this bothers you, by all means, take a pass, but note that with gold still showing weakness, it’s possible you could get filled at similar prices if you set your sights on them and wait for the market to come to you."

That stinks in various ways. First, they would have liked to reco it to IS subs but unfortunately the letter was already sent out. Subs can't be notified by email can they? So, sorry sorry had to reco it only to the alert subs.

Second, their latest scheme is: oh boo hoo if you don't like buying after alert subs have bought you can always pass on that pick

But thirdly and that ´s what causes my anger: These buggers have the nerve to list the pick as recommended first in Jan 2011 at $6.20! That's the info in my IS account and it's not true because I was reco'd in Feb 2011. The Feb IS came out on Feb 7th and Pretium was lowest 8 CAD and generally 8.50 CAD

So later they claim a performance that has not at all happened for IS subscribers. According to them, today at $8.80 is a 42% gain calculating with start price of 6.20 CAD, while actually it has a gain of 10% at best from $8.00 and virtually nothing from $8.50.

Here is where I feel ridiculed. And sure, Casey will be all "sorry for the error" if it gets revealed. I might write to Casey but honestly, their communication politics is a bit like you never get an answer. I appreciate that you provide market transparency and track dubious behavior so I send it to you, please respect my anonymity.

Kind regards,

IKN Back. Personally, I think R is being far too kind and forgiving to Lobito and his band of swindlers and one of these fine days they're going to get a well-deserved lawsuit slapped on their lying asses. But that's just me. DYODD, dudettes and dudes.