Peru's Shining Path scumballs are trying to get themselves into the next set of elections by setting up a 'democratic' party. How anyone can even consider this as viable is beyond me. These people are responsible for tens of thousands of murders, some in the most horrific ways possible. There is a case for censorship in modern society and these people do not deserve a voice or the right to free speech.
Today's 'No Shit Sherlock' award goes to the government of Paraguay, which called the recently uncovered coup plot against Fernando Lugo "illegal". Ain't gonna hear many arguing the use of that adjective, dudes.
In a clear communist plot to take over the world, Venezuela donates 5.1 million energy saving lightbulbs to Ecuador to help lighten the energy crisis load brought on by the local drought.
Argentina's INDEC stats office does something unheard of in more than two years of macro country reporting and tells the truth. Unemployment is recorded up at 9.1% in Argentina for the third quarter, up 1.3% YoY.