Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mercer Gold's (MRGP.ob) CEO, Rahim Jivraj, threatens IKN with legal action

Oh what fun! After yesterday's post on Mercer Gold (MRGP.ob) that pointed out how the stock was being pumped by a consortium of bucket houses to the naive, Rahim Jivraj, President and CEO of Mercer Gold, wrote in to IKN nerve centre, telling of his personal and professional offence at what was written, etc etc demanding a retraction of the note and threatening legal action. Now for obvious reasons I'm not going to directly paste up here his private mail to this author without permission, but what we can do without problems is offer my full reply to him, which went like this:
So how come you popped up on those scumbags' radar? Just unlucky, I guess.

Rahim, I was not born yesterday. You know the one about "if it walks like a duck?". You're the duck. So if you want to jump straight from point A to point 'legal action',  well I suggest you better just get on and do it. Your lazy threats are of no import to me and it'll be interesting to find out just how much of it is pure talk.

He then wrote back quickly and I can report he backtracked somewhat, saying that his his threat of legal action wasn't a threat at all (note to readers; it was and he's a lying scumball). To which this reply was sent that used one of his own phrases in his first mail (again this is my full reply):
Go "explore your legal resolution".


But poor Rahim didn't seem to get the message, wrote back and reiterated his "oh let's be friends" message from his second mail. Here's my final mail to him in full;

Ok, I thought you'd understand what "end" meant in my last mail, but it must have slipped you by. So let's make it clear that I have no wish whatsoever to continue wasting my time with this mail exchange and consider it over. If you continue to mail me, your missives will be considered the nuisance variety.

So rather than agree anything on a friendly basis, I suggest you talk with your lawyer as you previously implied and get him to talk to me. Either that or choose a bodily orifice in which you can stick your lazy threats of legal action.

I have no wish to receive a reply to this mail.

Along the way, he also mentioned that he had no idea how MRGP.ob managed to get on the pumphouse radar of companies controlled by Blue Wave Advisors and pushed in such a concerted effort. This is strange, because if you start checking out the background of Rahim (photo here) you get to see that another company where he's been active for many years, Mainland Resources (MNLU.ob), has been pointed out as the typical Vancouver scam play and has also benefitted from being pumped by Blue Wave Advisors via its wholly owned Beacon Equity pumphouse (mentioned in yesterday's post), with paid-for reports and unrealistic buy recos placed on the stock that turned out to be the exact opposite from the company's sad and painful share price reality.

We also find out that behind Rahim Jivraj is, allegedly, the front man for an unsavoury band of stock promoters led up by "that notorious West Vancouver promoter Gordon Brent Pierce" who allegedly uses people like Rahim as his front for operations because Pierce himself has been banned from securities trading for 15 years due to convictions for serious securities offenses. These people are so tight that it turns out Pierce is alleged to be the mano negra behind Uranium International, the very company Mercer Gold folded into this year in order to get its OTC listing.

There's a lot of info on these scammers available on those links above and I urge you to check them out. Also check out this report that explains how Rahim allegedly uses his sister as a front for investment operations in these scam companies. And finally, it won't come as much surprise to IKN readers to find that Rahim gets to be fawned over and interviewed by that arch-pumper scumbag Thom Calandra.

So Rahim, this isn't the retraction post you were looking for, is it you freaking lowlife? I'd therefore suggest that you get on and sue my ass if you're man enough and if the people that control you allow it. Or if not, why don't you just

Disclosure: No position in Mercer Gold (MRGP.ob), not now, not in the past and not in the future either. IKN also says that it's best to avoid stocks like this. Don't go long, don't go short, just avoid them forever and find yourself a decent company to spend your time and efforts upon.