Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An OTC short

We're really a long-tracking service over at The IKN Weekly, but there has been the odd occasion when we've outlined a clear shorting opportunity for subscribers on OTC stocks in the US markets because there are a handful of subbers who've asked for an idea or two in this sphere. So with that in mind this post is to headsup that there's a short idea coming up as part of the fare in IKN73 next weekend, basically because the "dot OB" company in question is such an impressively obvious scam and braindead clear short it's silly to ignore the opportunity.

But for those of you who don't want to subscribe and would still like to know the name of the company in question (involved in the mining scene in LatAm...apparently) it'll get a public airing here on the blog next Wednesday. And no, it's not Mercer Gold.