Arch bullshit pumper in the German markets and perennial pain in the butt, the Hamburg dwelling Christoph Berndt (feel free to email him at this address; cb AT who peddles his criminal filth under the name "boersenbrieflemming" on several German chatrooms and bullboards, decided to keep sending me his ridiculous hatemail regarding his underwater position in Dorato Resources (DRI.v) last week (that he's paid cash to promote, btw). His silliness coincided with the release of this NR that saw the stock rise as far as fact, our delinquent scumball Christoph timed his mail with that peak. However, bad news for him in this chart:
Yep, this no-hope stock he's desperately trying to pump to Teutonic greenhorns is back to where it was pre-NR. So Chrissy, this one's for you. Enjoy (and make sure you join in on the chorus...loud voice):