On Feb 2nd somebody started a question on this Facebook page "Can this Onion Ring get more fans than Stephen Harper?" and featured a simple, plain, golden-brown onion ring. It was up against Canadian top honcho Stephen Harper's Facebook page which had a fanbase of over 30,000 people.
In just nine days, The Onion Ring has put together 164,000 fans and is rising fast. Here are a few of the news stories that the onion ring has generated over the last week (and also where IKN got its chart data from). Harper's fans have dropped to under 30,000.
In just nine days, The Onion Ring has put together 164,000 fans and is rising fast. Here are a few of the news stories that the onion ring has generated over the last week (and also where IKN got its chart data from). Harper's fans have dropped to under 30,000.