On this link. Click the little man icon to the left of Sprott's photo to download the 39 minute interview (Sprott starts talking at 2:25, so skip the intro and get to the paydirt). Here's the promo blurb to whet your appetite:
Eric Sprott has over 35 years of experience in the investment industry and manages roughly $5 billion. Eric has been stunningly accurate in his writings for quite some time and is one of the highly respected industry professionals who foresaw the current crisis and chronicled the dangers of excessive leverage as well as the bubbles the Fed was creating while correctly forecasting the tragic collapse we are all enduring. In this interview Eric discusses the stock market, bond market, inflation, deflation, gold, silver, gold stocks, consolidation in the gold sector, the economy, the US Dollar, paper currencies globally, tax revenues going down, layoffs in US government jobs in states, oil and much more.
And here's the link again, just in case. h/t to reader DQ for the link.