....because if you bother to ask Peruvians, they'll tell you the truth about how much he and his band of corruptos utterly suck. IPSOS/Apoyo came out with its annual survey on Peruvian attitudes to their government, and here's how they stack up.
So 23% and 22% are happy about the improvement in the Twobreakfasts government between 2007 and 2009, while 44% and 38% say things are ever worse. So how come all you hear about Peru is this economic miracle that's helping its population? Time to call bullshit on idiot foreign journalism in Peru, methinks.
So 23% and 22% are happy about the improvement in the Twobreakfasts government between 2007 and 2009, while 44% and 38% say things are ever worse. So how come all you hear about Peru is this economic miracle that's helping its population? Time to call bullshit on idiot foreign journalism in Peru, methinks.