I received another mail from Dario this afternoon, our Honduran eyewitness friend in San Pedro Sula that authored this previous missive. Again, here comes the direct translation of his words followed by his original mail in Spanish.
It seems to me important to get the word about what's really going on in the heart of the country from a Honduran who is clearly worried about his country's future. Maybe you'd like to leave support comments for him under the post (or mail me and I'll pass any message on).
Hi Otto,
Look, I can tell you that the situation is still along the same lines as yesterday, with a strong media blackout and violent repressions that are still happening, especially against fellow citizens that have wanted to mobilize from their communities to try and get to the capital. They've been forced to leave the main highways and take old roadways in bad condition, but they all have the conviction to defend what they and us consider to be just and correct.
The order from Micheletti is to block international news channels such as Telechile, Caracol, Alyazera (or something like that (ottonote: I think he means Al Jazeera)) Guatevision and Telesur. This is contrasted with the minimal and conditioned opening of certain local channels, without any permission to communicate anything against the de facto government.
It's hoped that as the day progresses the capital will be totally stopped with the arrival of all the committed protestors. Even though they were threatened with bullets (that miraculously only hit the bus tires) and beatings and were forced to retreat, with blisters on their feet after walking a long way some groups have arrived in Tegucigalpa.
This is the context of uncertainty and tension we Hondurans are living, totally subjugated by this powerful, seditious group of politicians who not only pressurize the media so as not to allow free speech but also restrict the limited possibility of mobilization that the military allow us under the curfew.
This self-proclaimed President, in nationwide radio and TV broadcasts yesterday and today, told us about the sums of L. 50million plus U$3m that are being moved to other social programs. This is seen by everyone as nothing more than an insulting attempt to make the population believe that its de facto goernment is working, when the people know that all state workers are on indefinite and irrevocable strike. The state is not working, the only people working are the coupmongers.
At this point we hope that we don't need the intervention of the UN 'Blue Helmets' peacekeeping force, but as our favourite dinosaur has threatened he won't mind using children as a human shield to protect himself against any attack that tries to put a end to his coupmonger government.
Up to now this is the news I've managed to uncover. If destiny permits and they don't cut off the internet of electricity supply I'll keep informing about what's happening in San Pedro Sula.
From Honduras, Yours Dario.
hola otto, mira te informo que la situacion siugue en la misma linea que ayer con el bloqueo mediatico es fuerte, las represiones violentas se siguen presentando especialmente con los hermanos pobladores que han querido movilizarse desde sus comunidades intentando llegar a la capital, se han visto forzados ha rodear las vias principales y tirarse por antiguos caminos de herradura, pero siempre con la conviccion de defender lo que ellos y nosotros consideramos justo y verdadero.
La orden de parte de Micheletti de mantener bloqueados canales de noticias internacionales como Telechile, caracol, alyazera(o algo asi), guatevision y telesur se mantiene contrastada con la apertura minimalista condicionada de ciertos canales locales, sin permitirseles comunicar nada que sea en cotra del gobierno factico.
se espera que en el transcurso del dia la capital quede totalmente detenida con la llegada de todos los manifestantes comprometidos que aunque los amedrentaron con balas ( que milagrosamente dieron solo en los neumáticos ) y golpes fueron oblogados a replegarse, con llagas en sus pies tras tanto caminar han llegado algunos grupos a Tegucigalpa.
En este contexto de intranquilidad y de tension estamos viviendo los y las hondureños sometidos totalmente por este grupo de sedientos de poder politicos que no solo presionan los medios al no dejar la libre expresion ser ejercida, adjunta a la limitada posibilidad de movilización que nos da la milicia con el toque de queda.
este sr. auto proclamado presidente en la cadena radiotelevisiva de ayer y hoy nos adelanta el movimiento de L. 50 millones mas $3millones qeu aseguran son movidos de otros rubros, esto a ojo de todos no es mas que un intento insultante de hacer creer a la población que su gobierno de facto esta trabajando, cuando es conocido por la población que el grupo total de trabajadores estatales se encuentran en un paro indefinido e irrevocable, el estado no esta trabajando los unicos que lo hacen los mismos golpistas.
a este punto esperamos no tener que necesitar la intervención de los cascos azules de la ONU, pero como lo amenazo nuestro dinosaurio favorito, no le improta utilizar a niños y niñas como pared para protegerlo ante cualquier ataque que busque darle fin a su gobierno golpista.
hasta este momento son las nuevas que he logrado recavar, si el destino me lo permite y no me cortan el internet o la electricidad seguire informando lo que acontese principalmente en SPS.
desde Honduras Saludos Dario.