I've been playing round over at the Cochilco website today as part of some ongoing deeper investigation into copper. As it's a quiet day and I'm feeling all charty, here are a couple of semi-non-seq charts built from the numbers over there; boring for most people but quite fun for wonky metalheads I suppose.
This one shows Codelco's copper output for the decade. The 2009 estimate is made by taking the January to October published production number and extrapolating its registered 16.8% YoY growth for the full 12 months.
This one shows Codelco's copper output for the decade. The 2009 estimate is made by taking the January to October published production number and extrapolating its registered 16.8% YoY growth for the full 12 months.
This one shows how Codelco has matched up against the BHP La Escondida mine, the world's single largest copper pit.