Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Flying to Buenos Aires soon? Remember to take ready cash with you

Main Entry: rec·i·proc·i·ty
Pronunciation: \ˌre-sə-ˈprä-s(ə-)tē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural rec·i·proc·i·ties
Date: 1766
1 : the quality or state of being reciprocal : mutual dependence, action, or influence
2 : a mutual exchange of privileges; specifically : a recognition by one of two countries
or institutions of the validity of licenses or privileges granted by the other

Starting this week, Argentina is now imposing a "reciprocity tax" on tourists arriving from countries that charge its own citizens for visiting rights. The tax levied by Argentina will be in line with the charge made for visas to the other country, so for example US citizens visiting Argentina will have to pay U$131 before getting their passport stamped because that's what the USA charges Argentinians when they want to visit the States. Then Canadians will pay U$70, Australians U$100, etc.

Quid pro quo, suckaz.