Via Structurally Maladjusted (a new blog that's turning into a cool corner of cyberspace and should be on your RSS too) we get to hear about the investigation run by the excellent Chilean investigative reporting outfit CIPER into the lax building standards of modern Chile. The earthquake has struck, the tide is out and the scumball building contractors can be seen butt-naked.
The general story is that yes, Chile has stringent anti-quake construction laws, but in the last few years the profit-driven idiots building high rised apartment blocks in Santiago decided that the laws didn't apply to them because it cost too much to do things the right way. The result is that older buildings in Santiago that were built right had no problems, but no less than 23 large structures built in the last 15 years have been condemned and will have to come down.
The general story is that yes, Chile has stringent anti-quake construction laws, but in the last few years the profit-driven idiots building high rised apartment blocks in Santiago decided that the laws didn't apply to them because it cost too much to do things the right way. The result is that older buildings in Santiago that were built right had no problems, but no less than 23 large structures built in the last 15 years have been condemned and will have to come down.
Viva investment grade. Viva, viva, viva.