Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Business Abbreviations Explained (LatAm edition)

I've just been asked what FOB stands for (in that previous post), so rather than just tell one person one thing, let's clear up a few mysterious LatAm related abbreviations in one fell swoop:

PDVSA: Petroleum Demands Very Silly Attitudes
IMF: Interrupts Marriages Frequently
CIA: Clearly Interfering Americans
GDP: Generally Depressed Populace
AFJP: Another F***ing Jodido Pais
CODELCO: Copper Often Defines Elementary Life of Chilean Organizations
OECD: Only Enters Clueless Democracies
WTO: Wicked Tariff Oppression
NAFTA: Now American Friends Treated as Assholes
FOB: Friend Of Bananarepublic

Any questions?